
FTP Access

The data can be accessed through FTP. However, first a free registration needs to be completed. You will be assigned a username and password to allow access.

We are issuing the data under a Creative Commons Licence that requires attribution and non-commercial use.

For attribution in a paper,  a suggested sentence is: “TechDemoSat-1 GNSS Reflectometry dataset courtesy of SSTL via website under Creative Commons Licence CC-BY-NC.”

Please contact us if you wish a licence that grants use for commercial purposes.

Example code for getting MERRByS data

There are examples in Matlab and Python for accessing and analysing the data. The examples show how to:

  • Download data from FTP server
  • Example to read and extract data from L1b Delay-Doppler Maps
  • Example to read Level 2 wind-speed
  • Search data by time and location (python example only)

Matlab examples:

Python / Jupyter examples:

User forum

There is a forum for MERRByS users so that findings and issues can be shared and questions can be asked within the community.

MERRByS User Forum (Google Groups)

Data Availability and Use

Currently we are releasing Level 1B and Level 2. We are not releasing Level 0 data, except for the sample data we have made available.

We are issuing the data under a Creative Commons Licence that requires attribution and non-commercial use. Please contact us if you wish a licence that grants use for commercial purposes.

We want this service to continue beyond the lifetime of TechDemoSat-1, so we would like your help in finding the best way to exploit the data and justify flying the upgraded SGR-ReSI on future satellites to sustain this service on future satellites.

Updated documentation is available under “Resources” accessible from the Web Catalogue page.

Creative Commons License

MERRByS Dataset from SSTL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.